Tuesday 26 April 2011

Thor Review

When this film was first announced, along with the directors and cast... people started to wonder if Marvel and Kevin Feige, Head of production had maybe gone slightly insane. Come on guys, seriously, when we first heard the news that Kenneth Branagh was directing who mainly specialised in Shakesperean films, people started to feel a little bit skeptical and then came word that we were getting  someone, nearly unknown (apart from his 45 second role in Star Trek) to take the lead and play Thor. Ok, I said, that could be fine, he just needs to get in shape and we have ourselves a Thor. You see I like to be optimistic when it comes to this kind of Genre, I mean seriously I tried to optimistic when Spiderman 3 came out, but let's face it, no one is that optimistic. Then the news broke that Tom Hiddleston will play Thor's brother Loki. Get the riot squad in here, because the fanboys are not happy! Seriously, what were we going to see, a shakespearean superhero?! Really? Yes. But you know what, after yesterday, I'm glad that these very talented people were given the chance to adapt such a great character.
From the beginning of the film, we are treated to high levels of talent and stunning VFX, especially, the beautiful city of Asgard. Picture the cloud city of Coruscent from Star Wars and x100, then you might get a slight image in your head of what Asgard looks like. I'm getting ahead of myself, let me start from the beginning. The cast. Yes at first we were skeptical and scared of what could be, but after even watching this film for 5 minutes I started to feel ashamed of what I was thinking when it was first announced.
Lets start with the main man himself, Thor, played by newcomer Chris Hemsworth. This guy was goood, he had Thor down to the T. He nailed the comedic scenes and completely blew me away with the action packed scenes, especially the fight between the frost giants and then the fight against the Destroyer armor. No, I'm not going to say 'spoilers alert' because both those scenes are in the trailer and if you haven't scene that, then what the hell are you doing reading this blog?! Get your ass over to youtube! Anthony Hopkins. He deserves to have his name as a whole sentence. I mean, when is this guy bad in a role? Even if the film that he is in, is crap, you will still walk out that cinema and be like 'Oh, you know what, he was great in that, very enjoyable' Because let's face it, he is the man! And to sir, Anothony, I am sorry for any thoughts I had about you not performing well in this film, I was wrong. Odin was BADASS, I was hooked when it came to his scenes, I am gonna try and not spoil anything for you, but I have to say, Odin can hold his own against an army of Frost Giants! Now guys, let's movie onto one of the best parts of the film, Tom Hiddleston. Wow can this guy perform. He was awesome as Loki! Before yesterday, I was slightly worried that he will be the villian in Avengers, you know I'm thinking, we want some fresh faces for a villian in Avengers, but after seeing him in this, I cannot wait until I see him go up against Earths Mightiest heroes! It will be truly epic!
I want to stop here because I feel if I keep typing, I'm gonna start to spoil the whole film for you guys, for example that bit where Haw--- Whoah that was a close one, Time to stop. I hope you enjoyed this and check my twitter for updates on when my next blog will be up. Heres the link: http://twitter.com/#!/Jbatesyboy JBatesyBoy, Out.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Hurt Locker Film Review

OK, so let's face it, for a reviewer I'm a bit behind seeing how this film was released over a year ago but I thought, I can't have a blog and have nothing to read so I thought of the most recent film I watched. Let me tell you though, it was well worth the wait! If anyone hasn't seen this, which I find highly doubtful then you need to watch it ASAP. It delivers a hard, dramatic and oh so real performance of life as a bomb disposal unit in the Middle-East. This film has moments of utter power, however it has certain humorous aspects, particularily the 'wild man' side of 'James' who is famously played by a fairly new up-comer, Jeremy Renner who is seen in 'The Town', and who will play the famous Marvel Comics Archer Hawkeye in the up-coming Marvel Studios 'Avengers'. The film does mainly focus on Renners character but it does delve quite heavily into the other team members, especially Elsridge who is a soldier who was traumatized after the death of his previous team leader and the film not only depicts the soldiers rotation but also his come back. The film keeps you interested and eager to see what happens next. Sorry to James Cameron but this film was, In my opinion better than Avatar, it may not have had the most innovative SFX ever seen but it did have an amazing and well thought out story line which was not only interesting but it was real. Thanks for reading guys, follow my twitter for updates and quick reviews.