Thursday 2 June 2011

X-Men: First Class movie review

X men: First Class. It’s a film that, I guess has had the most speculation than any other comic book film, let alone normal film. However this speculation, especially from a fanboys point of view has had majority of negative speculation. By majority, I mean 99.99% awful reactions. However I for one has been extremely excited for this film, ever since it was announced that Matthew Vaughn will be directing. I mean who doesn’t like Kick Ass?! Anyway this fantastic, yes I said fantastic film does not fall short from such films as Kick Ass, I’ll even go as far as saying it could be on par with Dark Knight. 
To be honest, while I was sitting in the cinema watching this film, the only thing I was worrying about was how to review this film as best as possible without too many spoilers. However there are going to be a few, I’ll let you know, and you can scroll past. Let’s start with the cast, shall we? Well... I guess it’s an obvious bet that the two most prominent actors are Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy, who has actually been a fan favourite of mine since Wanted. Fassbender also went up in my books since Quentin Tarentino’s Inglorios B******* (censored for my younger readers). I digress, let’s get back on the topic at hand. X men. When it was first announced that McAvoy was playing Professor X who was made famous by Sir Patrick Stewart, I thought he is going to have a rather tough job filling that wheelchair. However ever since I saw the first trailer to this film, I knew he was going to do the role justice. He isn’t the Professor X we know from the first installments of the X men series or even the comics, but let’s not forget this is a prequel. This film, (and hopefully sequels after) revolves around how this young, english gentlemen gets from point A to Point B. This film has only just cracked the surface of this journey and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead. 
Michael Fassbender certainly made this role his own, his introduction to the film, with him hunting down Nazis is certainly very similar to Inglorious Bastards, yeah I know, pretty much every other reviewer has said that but when you agree with something, you can’t help but repeat it. His journey from Erik to Magneto is somewhat completed throughout the film but again from the ending you can’t help but want to see more. He does fill the giant Wolverine hole (even though we do this a certain cigar-chomping, feral mutant that can’t help but go ‘snikt’ all the time) with his sense of anger and pain, sorry Hugh Jackman but you were not missed in this film. Sorry guys but I’m about to place a spoiler here so feel free to keep reading a scroll down a little bit. The scenes where Charles unlocks Erik’s memories, or the scene where Erik’s mother is killed in front of him by Sebastion Shaw (who I’ll get on in a minute) and even the scene where Charles is placed in a wheelchair by Magneto are all extremely emotional and you can’t help but feel Magnetos pain, Fassbender is truly fantastic and I hope to see him with the helmet again soon. 
Other members of the cast also played their roles very well, for example Lucas Till was very good at Havok often dishing out some funny one-liners, Nicholas Hoult played one of my favourite all time X men, Beast very well, however one X men that again needs a special mention would be Mystique who is played by Jennifer Lawrence. She carries her fish-out-of-water, misplaced and alone character very well and really carries the message of the film ‘mutant and proud’ throughout the film. Spoilers here guys. There is also a very funny scene within the film. turns out that Hugh Jackman was not the only original cast member to be in the film, Rebecca Romijin also had a part. As Mystique is trying to seduce Erik, Erik, says “Maybe in a few years”, which Mystique shape shifts into her older self, which I thought was a very nice nod to the continuity. 
Even though I really loved this film, there are obviously going to be some negative parts because as much as I loved it, I’m not going to be able to give this film 5/5 stars. The Hellfire club, for the most part was interesting, Kevin Bacon played Shaw well, not as well as say Tom Hiddleston in Thor, but he did have a very large hand in creating Magneto, and he did well in that aspect.  However January Jones who played Emma Frost was horrendously mis-cast, her acting was poor, her presence was cheesy and her voice was emotionless, however one bad actor is often out-shadowed by many good actors. 
Another aspect that I want to mention is the score for the film. What a beautiful soundtrack. Each tune went stunningly well with the scenes and you can’t help but feel entranced when listening to them. 
The Visual Effects was also very well done, Digital Domain, among other production houses did a very good job at complimenting the story, especially all these different unique powers and I hope that these Visual Effects companies that were used in this film will be once again used to restore life to the film series. 
So, all in all, I have to say this film was fantastic and aspirational to what Fox should be doing with the franchise. The acting was perfect, apart from maybe Jones’ Emma Frost, the score was lovely, the unique cinematography used by Vaughn was interesting and captivating, and I understand that yes, all you fanboys out there are having problems with Cyclops or Jean Grey not being in the film, but let’s just say Wolverine isn’t the only famous X men that makes a cameo in the film, just keep your eye out in the Cerebro scene. The X men have always been my favourite superhero team, the idea that they protect the same people that hate them is very unique. The original five X men may not be in here apart from Beast, but Vaughn and Jane Goldmen certainly keeps the same tone that the X men have had for the last 50 years and have breathed a fresh, new light into a dying franchise, if there was ever a better metaphor for a phoenix rising from the ashes, this would be it. Thanks for reading guys and remember to check out my Youtube and Twitter for more reviews and news. JBatesyBoy, out. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree it twas a great film, though not anywhere close to 'The Dark Knight', well maybe in the editing but even 'Transformers' did a better job of that, so no gold there lol.
